Dra. Doris Soto Benavides Principal Investigator – IP - Integrative Program

Principal Investigator – IP - Integrative Program
Investigador Principal: Integrative Program


Dr. Doris Soto Benavides holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the Faculty of Sciences at the Universidad de Chile (1978) and a Ph.D. in Ecology from UC Davis in the United States (1988). In 1990, she joined Universidad Austral de Chile in Puerto Montt, where she established the Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, specializing in the study of the environmental implications of aquaculture and the interactions between aquaculture and fishing. During her time there, Dr. Soto mentored a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate students and led numerous scientific projects in collaboration with the public and private sectors.

In 2005, Dr. Soto joined the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy, as a Senior Officer, responsible for programs and activities related to aquaculture and the environment, including climate change, on a global level. She led various projects and initiatives in different countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Dr. Soto has published over 50 scientific papers in high-level journals and numerous publications for FAO, including global guidelines and policy recommendations. In mid-2016, Dr. Soto returned to Chile to join to INCAR, under the umbrella of Universidad de Concepción. She is currently based in Puerto Montt, where she leads the area of climate change and aquaculture, as well as the development and implementation of the ecosystem approach in aquaculture.

Títulos y Grados Académicos

  • 1988 Doctora en Ecología, Programa conjunto Universidad de California en Davis-San Diego State University, USA.

  • 1979 Licenciada en Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Chile.

  • Intereses de Investigación

  • 1. Soto D. 2019. La importancia de los Policy Briefs. Plenaria INCAR 2019. 26-27 de septiembre, Concepción, Chile.

  • 2. Soto D. 2019. Desarrollar matrices de riesgo ambiental generadas por la salmonicultura. Plenaria INCAR 2019. 26-27 de septiembre, Concepción, Chile.
  • 3. Soto D. 2019. Research and management challenge for a compatible aquaculture exploitation whith marine ecosystem conservation. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar, 27-31 de mayo, Iquique, Chile.
  • 4. Quiñones R.A., Soto D., Fuentes, Montes R., León-Muñoz J. 2019. Effects of salmon farming on biodiversity and productivity of the ecosystem of Paragonia: how much do we know and major gaps? XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar, 27-31 de mayo, Iquique, Chile.
  • 5. León-Muñoz L., Aguayo R., Vargas Baecheler J., Montecinos A., Garreaud R., Urbina M., Soto D., Iriarte J.L. 2019. Any pas time was better: climate change impact in freshwater inputs to the coastal system of Chilean northern Patagonia. XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar, 27-31 de mayo, Iquique, Chile.
  • 6. León-Muñoz J., Echeverría C., Aguayo R., Soto D. 2019. Landscape and salmoniculture in climate change scenarios. Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 19 (LAQUA 2019). 19-22 de noviembre, San José, Costa Rica.
  • 7. Soto D. 2019. Key note Speach: Designing aquaculture management areas (AMAs) to better integrate aquaculture within the ecosystem. Ecological intensification: A new paragon for sustainable aquaculture. 28-30 de octubre, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • 8. Soto D., Molinet C., León-Muñoz J., Opazo D. 2019. ¿Está la mitilicultura en riesgo frente al cambio climático? V Seminario de Investigacion aplicada en Mitilicultura, 10 de octubre, Castro, Chile.
  • 9. Soto D. 2019. Cambio climático pesca y acuicultura: Evento dentro del marco de la COP Ciudadana " Cumbre Social por la Accion Climatica. D Soto co organizadora. 10 de diciembre, Santiago, Cerrillos
  • 10. Simon J.W., Soto D. 2019. Investigadores de COPAS Sur-Austral y del Centro INCAR dictaron taller de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Pesca y Acuicultura en Valparaíso. Taller de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Pesca y Acuicultura. 07-08 de noviembre, Valparaíso, Chile.
  • 11. León Muñoz J., Soto D., Urbina M., Garreaud R., Aguayo R., Iriarte J.L. 2018. Contribution of fresh water to the Nor-Patagonian coastal system under scenarios of climatic variability (Aporte de agua dulce al sistema costero Nor-Patagónico bajo escenarios de variabilidad climática). XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar, 14-18 de mayo Valdivia, Chile.
  • 12. León Muñoz J., Soto D. 2018. Conferencia de Agua Dulce. Fresh Water Summit. 5 de septiembre, Pucón, Chile.
  • 13. Soto D., León-Muñoz J., Dresdner J., Luengo C., Tapia F.J., Garreaud R. 2018. Assessment of vulnerability to climate change in salmon farming (fattening) in southern Chile. XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias del Mar. 14-18 de mayo, Valdivia, Chile.
  • 14. Soto D. 2018. Assessing the vulnerability of salmon farming to climate change in the 8 most relevant communes for activity in southern Chile. X Sesion de Investigación en Cultivo de Salmón. 25 de mayo, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  • 15. Gallardo C. 2018. Validation of bioassays for phenotypic and genomic determination of Caligus antiparasitic resistance X Research sessions on salmon farming. 25 de mayo, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  • 16. Soto D. 2018. Addressing the vulnerability of mussel farming to climate change Research sessions INTEMIT, Castro, Chile.
  • 17. Soto D. 2018. Research needs to address aquaculture vulnerability under climate change. World Aquaculture Congress. 26-29 de Agosto, Montpellier, Francia.
  • 18. Soto D. 2018. Salmon farming vulnerability to climate change in southern Chile and anagment options for a sustianble future. World Aquaculture Congress. 26-29 de Agosto, Montpellier, Francia.
  • 19. Soto D. 2018. The ecosystem approach to Aquaculture: science and managment needs. Science for Ocean Action Conference. 20-23 de noviembre, Bergen, Noruega.
  • 20. Soto D. 2018. Relevance of interdisciplinary research to address the vulnerability of fisheries and aquaculture to climate change. XXV Encuentro Anual de la Sociedad de Ecología de Chile. 25-28 de noviembre, Valdivia, Chile.
  • 21. Soto D. 2018. Climate change and its impacts on fisheries and aquaculture globally and in Chile. SUBPESCA: Seminar climatic change in fishing and aquaculture. 07 de julio, Valparaiso, Chile.
  • 22. Soto D. 2017. Addressing climate change vulnerability of salmon farming in fjords and inner seas of southern Chile: understanding the biophysical -socioeconomic and governance links. Cambio global y respuesta del ecosistema patagónico: desafíos presentes y futuros Coyhaique. 22-24 de octubre, Coyaique, Chile.
  • 23. Soto D. 2017. Implementing the ecosystem approach to aquaculture to address socioeconomic, environmental and governance objectives. Lineamientos para la determinación de la capacidad de carga en fiordos y canales del sur de Chile. 12 de octubre, Puerto Aysen, Chile.
  • 24. Soto D., León-Muñoz J., Dresdner J. 2017. Desarrollo de una matriz de vulnerabilidad del sector salmonicultor ante el cambio climático.Taller sobre vulnerabilidad al cambio climático de la salmonicultura INCAR en colaboración con INTESAL, CORFO, 14 de septiembre, Puerto Montt, Chile.

  • Proyectos

  • 1. 2017-2018 FIPA 2017-17. A proposal of a national aquaculture policy for Chile for the next two decades, Doris Soto, Investigadora Principal.

  • 2. 2018-2019 World Wildlife Fund (WWF). An ecosystem approach to salmon production in southern Chile: integrating salmon farming into the seascape with other users and nature services. Doris Soto Directora, Investigadora Principal.
  • 3. 2019-2020 ARCLIM_MMA-GIZ. Climate risk atlas of Chile: a tool for the development of sectoral adaptation plans. Doris Soto, Directora.
  • 4. 2018-2020 FAO-GEF Proyect 9-2018. Design and implementation of a training program on climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture for public officials, national experts and decision-makers at national, regional and communal levels Others: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Doris Soto, Investigadora Principal.
  • 5. 2018-2019 FIC-R 40000116. Systematization of tacit and explicit knowledge for the promotion of sustainable aquaculture in the Biobío Region: An approach through the application of diffuse logic.Doris Soto, Investigador principal.