Publicado el 29 May, 2023 / News

Filidor Gaete de Llico High School and INCAR Center will hold the first Meeting of Biobío Aquaculture High Schools

This Wednesday, May 31, the First Meeting of TP Aquaculture High Schools of the Biobío Region will be held. The activity that will take place in Llico is co-organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR), with the aim of bringing scientific knowledge closer to high school students specializing in aquaculture at Liceo Pencopolitano, in Penco; Liceo Trapaqueante, from Tirúa and the Filidor Gaete Monsalve, from Llico around themes related to the care of the sea, which allow us to reflect and contribute to the sustainability of our respective communes and the region.
The meeting contemplates the participation of about 80 students of 3rd and 4th grade of the specialty, who will participate in three modules of theoretical-practical workshops:
– “Environmental sampling”, by the Research Professional of the PREGA-UdeC Program, Karla Ibáñez.
– “Aquaponics”, by the Research Professional of INCAR’s “Aquaculture Genomics” line, Alvaro Gallardo.
– “Diving”, by the Professor of the Aquaculture specialty at the Liceo Filidor Gaete  in Llico, Cristian Sepúlveda, and the Diving Professor for the Aquaculture specialty at the Liceo Pencopolitano, César Aguayo.