Publicado el 12 January, 2024 / News

The annual Plenary Meeting of the INCAR Center was held in Concepción, gathering almost 90 participants

Nearly 90 members of the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR) gathered to participate in the center’s Plenary Meeting, held between January 8th and 9th at the University of Concepción. The annual meeting brought together members from the six research lines of the center and the three institutions that make up INCAR: Universidad de Concepción (UdeC), Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), and Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh). During the plenary, the participants discussed the center’s commitments and activities related to the Programa Puente 2024-2025 and the challenges of future aquaculture with the objective of setting the groundwork for the Center’s upcoming 10-year. 

The plenary began with a greeting from the Provost of Research and Development at UdeC, Dr. Andrea Rodríguez, who also presented an award to the Director of INCAR, Dr. Renato Quiñones, for his outstanding leadership in directing the center from 2013 to the present. After the recognition, the day continued with the presentations “Description and Challenges of the INCAR Bridge Program 2024-2025” by the center’s Director, Dr. Renato Quiñones, and “INCAR Outreach Program for the new stage 2024-2025” by the center’s Society Engagement Coordinator, Pablo Carrasco. Afterwards, a recognition ceremony was held for INCAR students who completed their undergraduate and postgraduate programs during 2023. 

The meeting comprised various activities, including the workshop “Deciphering the new challenges for the INCAR 4.0 Center,” led by Dr. Doris Soto, the interdisciplinary INCAR course “Contemporary Themes and Challenges in Aquaculture: The Chilean Case.” Also, three panel discussions were conducted: “Technological transfer: Life, passion, and death of vaccines in the world of salmon farming”, “Gender Action Plan of the Puente 2024-2025 Proposal”, and “Some projections of the effect of climate change on national salmon and mussel farming”. In addition, the following presentations were given: “What explains the boom of the mussel industry in Chile?”, “Phytogenic additives applied to non-pharmacological strategies for the treatment of fish diseases”, “Mechanisms to influence the generation of public policies in aquaculture based on scientific knowledge: Policy Briefs and other options”, given by the new Associate Researcher of INCAR, Dr. Jessica Fuentes. 

The meeting concluded with the Interdisciplinary Discussion Panel: “Reflections on topics to be included in the new Aquaculture Law”, featuring the participation of Dr. Carlos Molinet, Dr. Doris Soto, Dr. Manuel Estay, and Dr. Jessica Fuentes, moderated by the Director of INCAR, Dr. Renato Quiñones.