Publicado el 5 April, 2017 / News / Uncategorized

“INCAR researcher participates in International Conference on harmful algal blooms organized in Florianopolis, Brazil”

INCAR’s RP4 post doctorate researcher, Dr. Rodrigo Montes, participated in the “17th International Conference on Harmful Algae Brazil 2016”, which took place from October 9th to 14th in Florianopolis, Brazil, and was organized by the Latin American Association for the Study of Harmful Algae (ALEAN), under the sponsorship of UNESCO’s governmental oceanographic commission.

The conference is sponsored by “International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA)”, and it is organized every two years gathering different scientists dedicated to research about ecology, biology, taxonomy, toxicity, monitoring, managing, and toxicology, among others aspects related to harmful algal blooms at a global scale. Dr. Montes presented “Quantification of harmful bloom thresholds for farmed salmon in Southern Chile”.

This research has been conducted in collaboration with researchers from Instituto Tecnológico del Salmón (INTESAL), Ximena Rojas, Dr. Paulina Artacho and Dr. Alfredo Tello; and Dr. Renato Quiñones from INCAR. The research focuses on the quantification of thresholds of ictiotoxic microalgae basing on the behavior of cultivated salmon and trouts. The statistical models used allow for the first time in Chile the display of calculated quantitative thresholds with information from cultivation centers, like Alexandrium catenella , and Pseudochattonella cf. verruculosa, both causing massive mortalities of salmon throughout the history of aquaculture of salmonids in Chile. This research generated great interest by international researchers, which contributes to expanding the support network and collaboration with INCAR on this topic.