Publicado el 5 October, 2023 / News

Four INCAR Researchers participate in the Annual Meeting of Environment for Development (EfD) in Ghana

Four researchers from the “Socioeconomic Sustainability” line at INCAR will participate in the Annual Environment for Development (EfD) Meeting, which will take place from October 5th to 8th in Accra, Ghana.

The first presenter will be Dr. Leonardo Salazar, Associate Researcher at INCAR and an Academic at the Universidad de Concepción. On October 5th, he will present his study titled “Import Price Determination In The Chinese Seaweed Market: What Are The Projections?” in the Property Rights & Markets session. Also on Thursday, October 5th, Dr. Carlos Chávez, Associate Researcher at INCAR and Academic at the Universidad de Talca, will present in the Aquaculture session. His presentation is titled “Assessing the Aquaculture Performance Indicators (APIS): Evidence from Aquaculture Production Systems in Chile.” In the Climatic Shock session, Dr. César Salazar, Associate Researcher at INCAR and Academic at Universidad del Biobío, will present “Drought Shocks and Price Adjustments In Local Food Markets In Chile. Do Product Quality and Marketing Channel Matter?” Finally, in the Energy (SETI) session on Saturday, October 7th, Dr. Manuel Estay, Associate Researcher at INCAR and an Academic at the University of Concepción, will present “Navigating the Social Acceptability Of Emerging Energy Sources: Evidence From Marine-Based Energy Projects.”

Environment for Development (EfD) is a leading global network of environmental economics research centers that address the world’s most pressing environmental and development challenges. They contribute to effective environmental management in the Global South through relevant research, capacity development, and policy engagement.