Publicado el 12 March, 2024 / Next Activities

Congress For a Better University

The Congress for a Better University calls on Spanish-speaking communities to discuss the role that higher education institutions should have in the development of universities that have a positive and significant impact on society, that is, thinking about a Better University.

Building a Better University involves reflecting on how to develop undergraduate, graduate and continuing education teaching; improve research and knowledge development processes so that they have a timely and significant impact on the development of the planet; enhance technical assistance in order to put the specialized knowledge of universities at the service of people; link with the environment so that universities play a central role in the growth of the communities to which they belong, and advance in sustainable and socially responsible institutional management systems that allow the development of the organization and its members.

These challenges of a Better University address all areas of its existence. For this reason, in this first edition of the Congress for a Better University, the invitation is to focus on its role in the well-being of people, under the motto: “Wellbeing & University: From everyone, for everyone.”

This Congress for a Better University is organized by the Department of Medical Education, the Directorate of Teaching in Engineering and the Office of Medical-Veterinary Education of the University of Concepción, in conjunction with FONDECYT 1221913 “From abuse to good treatment” and the FONDECYT 1231772 “Well+Being”.

This involves the participation of 14 Chilean universities, and is sponsored by SOCHISIM, SOEDUCSA and SONEPSYN.

The Congress “For a Better University” will be held between March 20 and 21, in the building of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Concepción.

For more information visit the official website of the congress.