Publicado el 22 January, 2025 / News

Dr. Ruben Avendaño-Herrera receives the 2024 Research Award from UNAB

The Principal Investigator of the line “Animal Health in Early Life Stages of Salmonids and Native Resources” and Academic at the Andrés Bello University (UNAB), Dr. Ruben Avendaño-Herrera, was recognized with the 2024 Research Award, from the Academic Senate from the Faculty of Life Sciences, UNAB.

The recognition highlights his contribution and leadership in high-impact research in the areas of fish diseases and aquaculture sustainability, contributing to the positioning of UNAB as a reference in scientific and technological development in this field.

The ceremony took place on Wednesday, January 22, starting at 11:00 a.m., in the Miguel Ángel Poduje Auditorium, on the UNAB Bellavista Campus in Santiago.

From the INCAR Center, we greet and congratulate Dr. Avendaño-Herrera for the recognition, which highlights his scientific excellence in the generation of high-value knowledge for decision-making and the development of innovative and specific solutions to advance towards sustainable aquaculture.