Inicio Research Lines RP5 – Socioeconomic Sustainability RP5 Team
Dr. Jorge Dresdner Cid holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, as well as a MSc and a PhD in Economics from University of Uppsala, Sweden (1989). Currently, he is a Full Professor in the Department of Economics at Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He is also the principal researcher of the "Socioeconomic Sustainability" line at INCAR. Additionally, he is a senior researcher in the international network Environment for Development. Dr. Jorge Dresdner Cid serves as an Associate Editor for the journal Marine Resource Economics, an international specialized publication focusing on marine research from an economic perspective. Dr. Dresdner Cid's research areas include Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics, as well as Labor Economics. He has conducted studies on various topics, such as the socioeconomic impacts of aquaculture in remote coastal regions of Chile, the cost implications of Caligus treatments in salmon production, the effect of the ISA crisis on international salmon prices, and the economic behavior of mussel seed collectors, among others. Currently, he is working on a project focused on designing policies to promote small-scale aquaculture in Chile.
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